An NFL Stadium is a bad deal for District residents. NFL stadiums hold the fewest events annually of any major sports team -- just a guaranteed eight games a year -- meaning they have the lowest economic upside for the community. That's a lot of empty, unused parking spaces.
Don't be fooled, even a deal modeled after Audi Field would cost YOU, a District taxpayer, millions of dollars and will not have the economic return promised. The five most recent NFL stadiums to be built all cost more than one billion dollars to build. Since 1997, taxpayers on average have foot at least half of the total cost.
Hail No RFK! is for anyone who believes the 190-acre campus overlooking the Anacostia River could be much more than an NFL stadium plus acres of parking lots.
If you believe District tax dollars should be going to District residents for affordable housing, supporting small businesses, and adding to the quality of life for those who call DC home every day, sign our petition and help us say Hail No!
Sign the petition. Join the email list for updates as we have them.